Landing Page Designer Developer in Phno Penh, Cambodia

6 New Tips To Create Landing Pages that Convert Sales

Landing pages remain an essential part of customers acquisition. Anyone who says they’re overrated can be either carrying it out incorrect themselves or guiding you in the incorrect direction.They are made to convert visitors into customers. As soon as someone lands on your page, they should be able to imagine the way your product or service will fit into their lives. The proper techniques may also convince them to full your desired objective – which may be anything from downloading your brochure to purchasing a product.

What exactly is a landing page?

A squeeze page is a webpage that users are directed to if they click about a link, generally from search engines results web page (SERP), a contact advertising campaign, or a PPC advert.

Landing web pages shouldn’t become your house page. Rather, they should become digital billboards for the goods and services you’re offering. They save your users time searching your website for the information they need, making them more likely to convert. That’s why they’re also called lead capture pages.

This content you hyperlink from isn’t usually enough to convert customers by themselves, so your website landing page is your possibility at convincing them to complete your desired objective. If your web page isn’t effective more than enough, enough time and hard work put into your articles or PPC advertisements will go to waste.

Imagine you’re explaining a service to your grandparents – you’ve finally got them to listen but their attention span is short. The things you’d tell them first? Put them in the first half of your landing page. Everything else can come afterwards.

Why are landing pages so important?

Landing pages capture leads.

If an user clicks through but isn’t 100% convinced, your landing page will either make them convert or make them leave. Their action of leaving before they move onto another page is definitely calculated utilizing a metric known as bounce price, and the very best landing web pages generally have low bounce prices.

They’re also an effective way to catch information regarding potential customers if your website landing page is usually an internet form. For instance, you might like to raise the amount of eBook downloads and an application enables you to build a set of contacts to make use of for retargeting and email campaigns later.

You can also use this data to find out the type of customers interacting with your business and improve your landing page experience. Here are some related stats:

  • In 1997, Jakob Nielson of the Nielsen Norman Group found that 79% of people scan web pages.
  • In 2008, Nielson did a similar study using eye-tracking data and found, on average, less than 20% of web page text content is read.
  • In 2013, online publication Slate asked a visitors analysis firm known as Chartbeat to analyse how website visitors engaged using its websites content and others. They discovered that most guests scroll through about 50-60% of an article page before leaving.

While all industry benchmarks are different, a high percentage of your customers might also refuse to give more than just their email address. Your landing page, along with CRO tools, can help you find out.
An effective landing page should also keep visitors on the page for longer and build trust in your brand. There are several techniques which will help you do that, such as for example creating engaging duplicate, optimising for cellular, and using captivating imagery and video.

What makes an excellent landing page?

There are many must-haves for your website landing page to become a success. I’ve picked 6 to consider.

1. Write engaging copy

Users wish benefits, not features.
In the event that you offer free worldwide delivery, inform them. If your image frames are handcrafted with the best possible wooden, make that crystal-obvious. They don’t need to know whether you used Gorilla Glue or a Phillips screwdriver if it doesn’t benefit them in any way.
Visitors become customers when you convince them how much better, more relaxed, and stress-free of charge your business can make them experience. And everything starts together with your headline.

5x as many folks browse the headline compared to the body duplicate. If your headline is normally weak, the others of your web page will move unnoticed. Your headline must capture your reader’s attention immediately, as data teaches you just have approximately 10-15 secs to produce a good impression.

Additionally you want to add specific figures and data to show credibility. Been a qualified makeup artist for 12 years, with 4.5 years experience in bridal? Say it exactly how it is – without rounding up.

2. Optimise for mobile

Your squeeze page must be mobile-friendly otherwise you risk alienating countless users that find on their mobile devices. From an SEO perspective, Google uses mobile-first indexing meaning it mostly uses the mobile phone version of a page for indexing and rating.
Rather than try and stumble their way through a site that doesn’t work properly, visitors will go somewhere else. Your bounce price we spoke about previously? Which will fly through the roofing.

Regarding to digital advertising company CXL, you wish to aim designed for lots time under 3 seconds. Anything over that and you ought to improve it. More than 10 secs and you’re shedding lots of money. Why is this so important? Because 53% of mobile users abandon sites that take over 3 mere seconds to load.

And also having a good page speed, both your images and text need to be correctly formatted. That means alt text for pictures and producing sure textual content is large more than enough for people to learn. Accessibility is frequently overlooked on the internet but you’re discriminating against potential customers by ignoring it.

Google also reported that 48% of mobile guests who search for an internet site that isn’t mobile-friendly idea the establishment just didn’t value their business, thus having a responsive web page hasn’t been more important.

3. Include imagery and video

A website landing page without images isn’t engaging.
People don’t come to your web page to learn paragraphs of textual content. They arrive because they would like to discover out why your product or service is preferable to anyone else’s. If they can observe the benefits you’re describing, they will be more interested and likely to buy.

Some more stats on the subject:

  • An article by Forbes stated that 91% of consumers actually prefer interactive and visual content over traditional, text-based or static media
  • An EyeView study showed videos on landing pages can improve conversions by 86%
  • Our brains process images 60,000 times faster than text, meaning these are the areas likely to be seen first

Users want to be entertained, if you may use media to create your site look more desirable simultaneously, site visitors will convert.

4. Emphasise positive testimonials

Testimonials help establish trust and credibility inside your brand and assure customers they’ll often receive an unbeatable assistance from you. Just a couple lines may be the press they have to convert, as data displays 72% of customers don’t do something until they possess read reviews.
A Podium survey says that online critiques have an impact on purchasing decisions for 93% of consumers. That means out of every 1,000 people visiting your squeeze page, 930 of these could possibly be swayed by positive testimonials.

Include as much positive testimonials as possible, but cherry-pick those that state the most on the subject of your business. Those that touch upon your superb customer support, your beautifully-packaged items, or how quick your delivery can be will display that your business will probably be worth buying from.

5. Create kickass CTA’s

Having in least one proactive approach (CTA) is vital. There’s no stage in informing your users how amazing your business can be in the event that you aren’t likely to inform them how exactly to take the next action – registering for a trial, producing a purchase, providing you a call.

It’s good practice to place your CTA in the first half of your web page, put simply “over the fold”, so that it immediately grabs your user’s attention. Having one by the end of your squeeze page can be effective, as this is actually the point most site visitors decide to decide.
To get the best outcomes, data demonstrates CTA’s embedded in your textual content can boost your conversion price by over 120% because they feel a lot more organic and less salesy.

The copy you utilize in your CTA buttons also offers to be enticing. Pronouns such as “you” and “I” typically work better than generic phrases like “read more” as the user feels like your product or service is definitely personal to them. If you want them to spend their money, you have to trigger them emotionally.

6. Never stop testing

The key to success is to keep testing what works and making sure your website landing page supplies the best user experiences.

Unsure what your website landing page appears like on cell? Google’s Search Gaming console enables you to check the indexing position of your site and make optimisations. Simply enter your URL for a synopsis of how your website landing page is doing – in addition to particular areas where you should improve.

The Swiftness and Usability sections also highlight metrics such as for example your impressions, so that you can see whether certain changes have produced an impact.

Not really seeing great outcomes? Chop and transformation standout components such as for example your headline or CTA control keys.
Behaviour analytics tools like Hotjar will uncover user insights and help assess whether your improvements will work, showing specifically which regions of your site will be the most popular.

Tools and providers to assist you optimise

Additionally, there are many free and cost-effective resources online that will help you create a successful landing page. Even better, some can be used collectively to drive excellent results and automate your workload.

Here are some of our favourites:

  • Nerdcow – a web design and development platform that uses scientific methods to build search engine optimised websites. Generate sales and high-quality prospects every month.
  • Boom – an award-winning online marketing agency specialising in everything from search engine optimisation to content marketing, web design, and social press.
  • Fluid Digital – an ecommerce growth agency working with on-line brands to build and grow successful ecommerce stores.

They’re companies that thrive about helping businesses like yours. If an agency stands out to you, you can explore your options even more by quickly clicking on to their internet site. Having the ability to discover innovative features this fast makes scaling your business simpler than previously.

Follow the tips for unrivalled success

If you would like to increase your conversions, you have to help to make people believe your product may be the best out there. That services you’re offering? Tell them how much time it will save. Emphasise that it will speed up their morning routine by 25% and you have 12 case studies to demonstrate it.

Next up, spend some time optimising for mobile to ensure you’re always providing great user experience. The smallest things will help to convert your visitors into customers – which includes positive testimonials and bold CTA’s.

Build trust, maintain your users involved, and consider inspiration from various other inspiring landing pages, and you’ll be on the way to a high-converting website very quickly at all.

How Activerify can help you to design and optimize your landing pages that converts sales?

Creating a landing page or designing a landing page is part of our web development service of Activerify’s Digital Marketing and Website Development in Cambodia. We thrive to help our clients drive more sale through creating, designing and development of customers’ business landing paes that convert sales. Please reach our to our friendly customer services for more information: Email: or email via our contact page: Contact Us

landing page and webpage designer
landing page and webpage designer in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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